Register For Class

Register For First Jump Course Class

First Jump Courses are about 6-8 hours of training over 2 days, and sometimes in 1-day classes.
You will be required to attend all classes and jump dates listed. After that, you will be expected to attend at least 1 full weekend day until you have finished (generally 6-8 weeks total). If you miss more than 3 days you may be asked to exit the program or be put on a lower-priority list.
Our goal is to make you a licensed skydiver. We have a limited season, and the sport is very weather dependent, so we want to maximize your learning and time, prioritizing the people who are able to make the time commitment to complete the training. 

Please confirm that you do not have any of the below, which could potentially cause issues while skydiving:

  • Prior dislocated shoulders? Back issues?
  • Any past injuries or surgeries that could cause issues while skydiving?
  • Any medical conditions or prescription drugs that would cause reduced physical/mental performance?
  • Blood pressure, blood oxygen issues (no blood donations prior to skydiving)?
  • Vision (glasses/contacts), depth perception?
    Vertigo, motion sickness?
  • Sinus issues, ear issues, hearing?
  • No recreational drugs while skydiving, no alcoholic beverages 8hrs prior to skydiving. No scuba diving 24hrs prior to skydiving.

If you have any questions or concerns you can contact us at

There is a 220 lbs weight limit

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